Are you really happy?

Do you ever find yourself haunted by negative thoughts? Do you ever feel anxious or depressed? Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, you can’t seem to get ahead or that there’s more to this life that’s been hidden away from you? If so, Answers in Yeshua can help you:

  • Discover the meaning and purpose of life

  • Understand the reason for all suffering and its purpose

  • Uncover what’s holding you back in life and how to unlock your fullest potential

  • How to cure your depression, anxiety and addiction

  • How to create a life of peace, joy and prosperity

If you’re unhappy with the direction your life is going, you can do one of two things. You can simply choose to ignore this message and continue living your life as you’ve always have or you can click the button below and begin the journey to unlock the best version of you.

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What we believe

Do you believe the Bible is the infallible word of God?

No, we don’t believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God. We believe that there are a lot of fragments of truth in the Bible, but many of its teachings have b

een redacted, withheld or destroyed in an attempt to keep humanity physically and spiritually enslaved.

When one studies early christian history and considers other religious texts such as the Nag Hammadi Codices and the Dead Sea Scrolls, It’s extremely difficult to not arrive at this conclusion.

What do you base the truth on if not the Bible?

We base our beliefs on the convergence of multiple data sources including religious scripture, human behavior, causality and rationality.

We believe that studying religious scriptures such as the Bible is like possessing part of an incomplete puzzle. You can possess a basic understanding from what few pieces you do have, but without all of the pieces, you can never get a complete picture.

In our attempt to fill in the gaps, we form hypotheses and test them against observed human behavior, causality and rationality. If a hypothesis withstands the scrutiny of our attacks, it’s then elevated to the status of a theory. We acknowledge that our theories are not absolute truth and are prepared to modify or even reject them if presented with an abundance of information that either disproves our theories or points to an even better one.

Students of Yeshua are encouraged to be open minded, welcome contrasting points of views and take a scientific approach to understanding God and the world we live in.

How can Jesus be fully man and fully god?

Most people believe that when we die we will either spend eternity in heaven or hell. To believe that, you must believe that we are eternal beings. Students of Yeshua believe that we are eternal spiritual beings traversing this physical dimension in a physical body.

We believe that we are our soul and that our soul is eternal. In order to operate within this physical plane, our soul must reside in a physical body. However, our body is subject to certain limitations and requires certain necessities in order to survive.

One of the limitations of a soul attaching to a physical body is that you receive a new mind and a new brain which resets all of your memories. This is why we do not have memories of our past lives in the spirit world.

As a result of our souls inhabiting a physical body, we are also subject to its potent and vehement desires. When we surrender to the desires of our physical bodies, it strengthens our tether to this physical dimension.

We believe that Jesus departed his seat of power in the spirit world and took a physical body to teach us how we could show us how to break the chains that tether us to the physical world and reclaim our position as joint heirs with him in the spirit world. He is a celestial being inhabiting a body just like we’re souls inhabiting a body.

Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?

When the Pharisees demanded that Jesus tell them when the Kingdom of God would arrive, he answered them and said, “The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:20-21.

Heaven and hell aren’t places. They’re experiences. The man that experiences life through the lens of peace, joy and abundance is experiencing heaven. The man that experiences life through the lens of anger, grief, guilt and shame is experiencing hell.

Students of Yeshua believe that heaven and hell exist within us as spiritual attitudes. This can be defined as your emotional baseline. Virtues move you towards higher rungs of spiritual attitudes while sin moves you towards lower rungs of spiritual attitudes.

If you are someone who is habitually angry at the world, how can you know peace? How can you experience love or joy? The only satisfaction you are able to receive is from the cheap, temporary pleasures from engaging in sin.

The fruit of sin is like drinking salt water that unbeknownst to you has had the taste of the salt masked with sugar so you don’t spit it out the moment it touches your lips. Drinking it brings you pleasure which you interpret to be good and life enhancing. However, the more you drink, the thirstier you get and the more you continue to drink to quench your insatiable thirst.

The spiritual consequences of sin compounds over time. It manifests itself as habitual anger, anxiety, depression, addiction. For people who live with these afflictions, they are experiencing hell.

Do you believe that Jesus is God?

This depends on how you define god. Is there only one god or are there multiple? The Old Testament makes mention of many gods. In fact, in the Hebrew Bible, God is described as Elohim more than 2,500 times. Elohim is a combination of the singular noun “Eloah” is made plural by adding “im” directly translating to “Gods” in English. Elohim wasn’t only used to describe the God of Judaism, but also pagan gods, idols, kings, judges and angels.

We believe that the word god is being used to describe a celestial being which processes a certain level of reverence and authority. We view the Kingdom of God as a celestial monarchy ruled by a pantheon of gods at the very top. At the head of this monarchy sits our Heavenly Father. Next in succession is Jesus Christ. We believe that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are two separate celestial beings and that Jesus was created by the Father and is subject to the Father.

How can I be saved?

The Students of Yeshua believe that there is a constant force acting against us at all times that will ultimately result in our deaths. In science, this force is known as entropy. Sin speeds it up and submerges you into lower levels of hell. Virtue slows it down and allows you to ascend to higher levels of heaven. The only way to resist entropy is through effort. The lower you are, the more effort you must make.

We believe that we have rediscovered the most correct plan of salvation as originally taught by Yeshua. The plan of salvation was designed to help us live lives of joy, peace, love and abundance and greatly reduces our suffering here on this earth. We believe that the plan of salvation follows these 9 steps.

1. Surrender – Surrender yourself to the will of our Heavenly Father. Swimming against the current exasperates you even more. Admit that your life needs to change. Acknowledge that you are limited in your abilities, knowledge and understand that without the help of God, you are powerless. (Matthew 6:9-11, Mark 13:36 and Luke 22:42)

2. Believe – Believe in Yeshua and his teachings. Open your heart and your mind to receive the Spirit of God. Belief is the genesis of every action. Exercise those beliefs through your actions. If we don’t believe, we will not act.

3. Confess – Admit your faults and take responsibility for your actions. Confess your transgressions to a God and a priest under the protection of penitent privilege. Doing so brings much needed relief to a guilty conscience. Let your conscience be your compass. (Romans 10:9)

4. Repent – Sincerely ask Heavenly Father to forgive you for your sins. Ask him to remove your shortcomings. Make every effort to change your sinful behaviors and sew goodness back into the world. Reach out to those that you have hurt or angered and ask for their forgiveness and make amends to all that you’ve wronged.

5. Baptism – Your soul is fused to your body. There is a corresponding nature between your spirit and your body. What happens to one, happens to the other. Through the ritual of baptism in the physical plane, we are not only proclaiming our faith in Christ Yeshua, but cleansing our soul from the spiritual grime that has collected throughout our lives.

6. Forgive – Forgive those who have wronged you. Holding onto a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. To hold a grudge is to hold on to feelings of anger towards another individual. Anger does not know peace or joy. (Matthew 6:14-15)

7. Seek – Seek to build a better relationship with God through prayer and meditation. Seek the wisdom of God through the study of scripture and the sciences. What has been hidden will be revealed. You cannot do what you do not know. If you are not seeking answers, you condemn yourself to the wrath of your problems.

8. Love – Material possessions will never love you back. Treasure your relationships with others over status, resources and pleasure. Give more than you get. Show your love through action. Be patient, kind and gentle towards others. Serve others and not yourself. Keep your poise and refrain from anger. Seek to understand the perspective of others and do not judge them. Seek to unite rather than divide. Be generous with your praise, time and resources. God blesses those who are generous. (1 Corinthians 12:4-8)

9. Share – Share the message of Yeshua and his plan of salvation with others so that they can break free from the slavery of their suffering and live a full life of joy, good health and abundance (Matthew 10:32).

What is Sin?

We believe that sin is any action or behavior that leads you towards death, decay and destruction both physically and spiritually and strengthens your tether to the physical world.

God has given us a conscience to help us discern from what is right and wrong and to serve as a compass in helping us find our way back to him.

It’s important to look at the concept of sin objectively and disassociate it from a person’s value. Do we stop loving our children when they break a rule and end up getting hurt as a result? Of course not. Even though we may be disappointed in their actions, our love for our children is unconditional. If we love our children this much, how much more does our Heavenly Father love us?

This doesn’t mean we should never have to experience pain though. Pain is meant to serve as our teacher. It exists to warn us that if we don’t stop whatever it is that we are doing, death is right around the corner. Unfortunately, many of us prolong our suffering because we learn too slow or refuse to learn altogether.

Am I saved if I believe in Jesus?

Students of Yeshua do not believe that believing in Jesus is enough to save you. In fact, we believe that this is a false doctrine taught by many apostate churches. James 2:10 says, “You believe there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that – and shudder.”

Imagine that you were to go to the physician and were diagnosed with diabetes. The physician tells you that if you continue to eat an unhealthy diet and live a sedentary lifestyle, you’re likely to experience numerous health complications that could include chronic kidney disease, nerve damage, and other disabling complications that could shorten your lifespan greatly.

However, he tells you that there is good news. If you stop eating unhealthy foods high in sugar, exercise regularly and lose weight, you can reverse this prognosis, cure your diabetes and add years back on to your life.

Now, you know that the physician is right. Will you listen? Will you make the effort to change your behaviors so that you can live a happier, healthier and longer life? Knowing that the physician is right will not reverse your diagnosis and extend your life. You must act on that knowledge.

Jesus is like the physician in this analogy. Jesus tells us what causes our suffering and gives us the only solution to end it so that we can live peaceful, joyful and abundant lives.